Statistics Statistical




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1·Through classroom lectures and interviews with teachers to study the subject knowledge of teachers and Statistics statistical teaching.
2·Statistical views are a powerful new form of statistics that represent relationships among complex predicates or across tables.
3·Statistical views: Display basic profiling statistics for packages, methods, classes, and instances.
统计视图: 显示包,方法,类和实例的基本配置统计。
4·These updatable views allow you to update certain statistical information to investigate the performance of a hypothetical database, or to update statistics without using the RUNSTATS utility.
5·Since this is a computer article instead of a statistics article here is the abridged and condensed version of polling statistical experimental design.
6·For statistical view, the ENABLE query optimization clause will cause the view, and its associated statistics to be used to improve the query optimization.
对于统计视图,ENABLE QUERY optimization子句将导致该视图以及与之相关联的统计信息被用于改进查询优化。
7·Countries that have managed until now to produce statistics with no specific legal framework, including Britain, are increasingly strengthening their statistical systems with legislation.
8·Modern Applied Statistics with S-PLUS, 3rd Ed provides a practical introduction to the statistical inferences that can improve processes and profits significantly.
Modern Applied Statistics with s - PLUS, 3rd ed以实例介绍了统计推论对过程和效益的显著改善。
9·If an MBean is a statistics provider, its PMI statistical data can be retrieved from the MBean using the Stats attribute.
如果某一M Bean是一个统计提供者,那么它的PMI统计数据可以使用stats属性从MBean进行检索。
10·Since the update STATISTICS are not run automatically, the System Catalog tables would not be updated and would still be retaining the old statistical data.
由于没有自动运行UPDATE STATISTICS,所以system catalog表没有更新,仍然保留旧的统计数据。
更新时间:2025-02-23 06:04